Kansas Cattleman Steve Stratford Describes Beef Packer Profits and an Update on His Last Video

By Jim Mundorf

Steve Stratford has had quite a couple of weeks. After seeing a video of his on Facebook, I asked if I could share it on this website, so he sent it to me. In order for me to post videos they have to be on YouTube first. So I had to figure out how to get it on there. Once I got the video up, I wrote out a description on and posted it on Lonesome Lands website, and it took off. Not only on this site but also on YouTube.

Steve Stratfords original video posted on Lonesome Lands that has now been viewed more than 144,000 times.

A couple days after the video was posted Steve was sorting cattle at Pratt Livestock Auction and was run over by a heifer. At the time they thought all he had was some broke ribs and a concussion so he went back to work for a few days. Early Sunday morning he was experiencing chest pains, the doctors thought he was having a heart attack so they gave him blood thinners. Turned out it wasn’t a heart attack but he had a collapsed lung and lacerated spleen from the previous accident and the blood thinners nearly killed him. He ended up having emergency surgery and a stay in intensive care.

During all of that his video was being seen by more and more people and he was being contacted by about everybody under the sun. Steve has had multiple Politicians and media members contact him, after watching his video. Right now on YouTube the video has been viewed 144,012 times and has 715 comments. Its pretty amazing what a cattleman with a phone can get done, especially if you consider that the beef checkoff takes close to $50 million out of cattle producers checks. What exactly have they gotten accomplished lately?

He is back at it this week with a description of the absolutely disgusting price gouging going on by the beef packers and an update on the feedback from the last video and the progress being made.

Breakdown of beef packer margins on one head of cattle from last week.

Breakdown of beef packer margins on one head of cattle from last week.

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