What people who believe, “cattle destroy the climate” need to see…REALNESS.
“All of that nature and what’s good would vanish, and that... nature, what’s good, what’s real. That’s what ranching is about to me, and to so many of American Ranchers like me. ”
This video was made by the National Grazing Lands Coalition and features Meredith Ellis on her North Texas ranch.
In a world soaked in fakeness, the most valuable marketing tool of the future is realness. This is an amazing example of how powerful realness can be. A real person, in her real clothes, giving her real honest thoughts. No sets, no scripts, no hair and makeup, just a rancher, ranching, spitting facts.
It reaches straight out the the person that needs to hear it the most, the one who has been beaten over the head with the BS of, the cattle are bad for the environment. The fake meat/animal rights crazies have done an unbelievably good job convincing the general public that eating meat is destroying the planet. Not long ago I was listening to a sports podcast when one of the hosts, who happens to be a Texan and a Marine Veteran, said that he’s started to eat less meat because it is bad for the environment. This is not some latte sipping Cal Berkeley student. This is a hairy faced, Texan, who trained attack dogs in the Marines and was shot in Afghanistan. This is serious, these are the people who need to be reached.
There are more and more people so removed from reality that they believe cattle ranches are destroying the planet. This is hard for people in the cattle ranching neck of the woods to believe simply because it is the exact opposite is what is happening. Some of the people raising cattle probably won’t like this video because it recognizes climate change as an issue. Well if you think someone who is so all in on climate change that they have changed what they eat is going to start eating beef again because you tell them climate change is a hoax, then you’re nuts.
This video lays out the positives of ranching about as good as it could be done. As she stands on the hill over looking her ranch and the scenery turns to a rock quarry and then to subdivisions, that is what people need to see and understand. She lays it out perfectly when she says that Ranching is, “a last stand against an expanding suburban sprawl.” and the suburban sprawl is what leads to the, “loss of habitat, erosion of soils and the contamination of our waterways.” A real message that deserves to be shared with the hopes of reaching the people who have already been convinced of the lies. I’ll be sharing it, you should too.
Read Also: A Common Man’s Thoughts on Climate Change
Jim Mundorf- Owns the Drover House and Branding Ring. He also works on his families farm and cattle ranch in Iowa.