Dakota Ranchers Fight EID Mandate and Senator Hoeven is a Jerk

By Jim Mundorf

I got invited to speak at the Independent Beef Association of North Dakota’s annual meeting and got to sit in on a little of the meeting part. One thing I knew going in is that ranchers up in the Dakotas are fiercely independent. What I learned while there is that North Dakota’s Senator John Hoeven is a giant asshole. He flat out told the ranchers at the meeting that he would not help them fight the EID mandate that is being forced on them and gave no reason why. I didn’t really know anything about him going in and when I got home and googled his name the first things that came up were that he was one of the wealthiest members of the Senate with different estimates of his net worth between $50 and $100 million.

When I got home I found this in my email:

So while National Cattlemen’s Beef Associations affiliates are bending over and grabbing their ankles for the USDA, the Independent Cattlemen’s associations will be hosting a Freedom Rally in Rapid City, South Dakota.

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