National Cattleman's Beef Association Shows How Completely Out of Touch They Are

By Jim Mundorf

This week has found many in the livestock industry shook to their core. To say we are entering an unprecedented time seems like an understatement. There are reports of chickens and hogs being euthanized, eggs and milk being dumped. It seems like a new meat packing plant closes with each new day. Beef packers are gouging consumers to make record profits while cattle producers lose their ass. With all this going on here’s the latest message from the National Cattleman’s Beef Association:

What in the hell is that? If they kept stats for tone deafness that would set a record. Can you imagine being a cattle feeder, dealing with possible bankruptcy and reading that today? Buy a new tractor to“meet all of your livestock operations demands.” Does it have a special bucket that will dig a gold mine, because that is what a lot of “livestock operations” are needing right now in order to not go belly up. You want to talk about having your head firmly implanted up your own ass, there it is.

The reaction was exactly what you would expect:

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NCBA comments.jpg

There are so many things about this organization that I don’t understand. Mainly, just what in the hell to they do that is of any value whatsoever? Also, why is a non-profit selling ads on their Twitter page? Do they have an ad sales department? Do they use checkoff dollars for that? Are checkoff dollars used to pay the idiot that posted that today?

Luckily there are real cattlemen and women out there carrying their own message. They are doing what they can to save this industry and working hard to have their voices heard.

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